Red Green Long Array Range
RedGreenArrayRange subclass for LongRange.
the default color, a colored range is supposed to be fully colored with it right after constructor call.
the second color.
a regular range marking bounds of colored range.
the factory for ranges, it is used for custom ranges type. For example IntRange is more convenient than ClosedRange<BoundType> for equality checks outside the interface or class.
Looks for a subrange containing bound and returns its color.
Requests subrange of RedGreenColor.Green color, see TwoColoredRange.getSubrangeOfColor for details.
Returns subranges of RedGreenColor.Green color.
Requests subrange of RedGreenColor.Red color, see TwoColoredRange.getSubrangeOfColor for details.
Returns subranges of RedGreenColor.Red color.
getSubrangeOfColor called with maxLength = step and limitByRange = range.
getSubrangeOfColor called with limitByRange = range.
getSubrangeOfColor called with maxLength = step.
Performs a search for a subrange with color color limited by limitByRange. If a subrange with length >= maxLength was found then returns a subrange from foundSubrange.start to foundSubrange.start + maxLength (involving math and rangeFactory). Otherwise returns first non-empty subrange with color color inside limitByRange or null.
Returns list of subranges colored with color.
Returns list of subranges colored with defaultColor.
Returns list of subranges colored with otherColor.
Paints subrange with RedGreenColor.Green color.
Paints subrange with RedGreenColor.Red color.
Iterator limited by limitByRange.